
Digital learnings to adress post pandemic inactivity

    Welcome to my blog! The pandemic is finishing and we need to take care of our children and adolescents. As PE teacher I realize that we need to act more, we need to have our students more motivated and more active. As a result of my Master in digital education I designed a project that you can use with your students. Feel free to try it and do not forget to share your results with me. Have a look on the written work as well.

Distance learning

 There are several distance learning tools. I'm going to present you some of which I used to improve my digital professional trainings. Leave your comment if you have experience with other tools. - Google Classroom : classes creations, post assignments and other type of communication (videos, posts, feedbacks,…). It is possible see which students have completed their assignments and teachers can provide real-time feedback and grades  - VoiceThread : multimedia slide show (it holds images, documents, and videos) and allows people to navigate slides and leave comments (using voice, text, audio file, or video) - Google drive : allows users to store files on their servers, synchronize files across devices, and share files. It includes Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides and allows documents edition, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, forms among other - Pear Deck : interactive presentations with google slides. It allows pools, quizzes, comments, audio files... - Socra...


I did a research of applications we can use to create videos, drawings/paintings and digital storytelling. There are certainly more but those are good basis. Feel free to add some other tools you are familiar with using the comments section. Video - iMovie : edition of photos and videos in order to create a “professional movie”   - Wevideo : video edition - 30 hands : for telling a story, explain an idea or make a video - Magistro : video creation per topics - Educreations : interactive whiteboard and screencasting tool. It was designed for classrooms. It allows creation of videos, import pictures and other materials - Story Creator : video creations with photos and videos - Animoto : video creations and shares - Thinglink : interactive images and videos:   - Spark Adobe : video creations with photos and videos Drawings/ Paintings - : collaborative painting application - : collaborative painting application - Sumo Pa...

Application project with rubric

In order to improve my digital knowledge I did a draft for an aplication project for students that are going to have an internship. I also added a rubric for the internship.

Gamification tool

There are several gamification tools.   Some examples are:  -        -                                                            -            - ·         - ·         -   I used kahoot to test it and I did a little free quiz about gamification tool: play it here

Survey for costumers

The evaluations of our costumers are one of the best ways to improve our services, in order to offer them the best possible quality. I created one survey with google forms to collect feedback from my business customers (  You can find below a snapshot of the survey.  

Can we use Webinars for educational purposes?

  A Webinar is a web-based seminar conducted live over the web. It is scheduled in advance to encourage participants to attend and usually it takes 1 or 2 hours. It can be free or fee based. The speaker should provide substantive knowledge, introduce himself, announce the plan and encourage the audience to stay at the online meeting. It enables the utilization of audio and video. It is interactive and give the possibility to share the screen, documents and offer visuals during the presentation. Webinars allow for live Q&A sessions, which can be beneficial for building connection.   What are the possibilities for educational purpose? A Webinar can be used for an educational purpose, for that it is important to: - pick the right webinar tool, it depends on the budget, goals and hosting software (technical constraints); - identify the goals and what the audience care about; - create a differentiated Webinar using several tools: interactive whiteboards, sur...