Can we use Webinars for educational purposes?


A Webinar is a web-based seminar conducted live over the web. It is scheduled in advance to encourage participants to attend and usually it takes 1 or 2 hours. It can be free or fee based.

The speaker should provide substantive knowledge, introduce himself, announce the plan and encourage the audience to stay at the online meeting. It enables the utilization of audio and video. It is interactive and give the possibility to share the screen, documents and offer visuals during the presentation. Webinars allow for live Q&A sessions, which can be beneficial for building connection.


What are the possibilities for educational purpose?

A Webinar can be used for an educational purpose, for that it is important to:

- pick the right webinar tool, it depends on the budget, goals and hosting software (technical constraints);

- identify the goals and what the audience care about;

- create a differentiated Webinar using several tools: interactive whiteboards, surveys and polls, live-chat features, amongst other…


Benefits of Webinar for educational use?

When using Webinars, educators are enabling access to learning material from anywhere at any time. It can be pre-recorded and played at any time. It is normally cheaper than an onsite course.

The number of participants can range from few attendees to a very large audience. It is an excellent tool for subjects where hands-on experiences are not required in the learning process.

Communication in Webinars is usually very structured and the instructor may answer questions.

Disadvantages of Webinars for educational use?

-        The impact of the instructor is less predominant;

-        It is more difficult to identify the level of understanding of the participants;

-        Webinars limit the ability and opportunity to practice skills;

-        Participants may lose some of the excitement about the subject when they cannot see the instructor’s face;

-        Participants are often distracted by other parallel activities.


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