Can we use Facebook for educational purposes?

Facebook is a Social network Site where users can communicate. Can be used to share ideas, interests and post information, comments, photos, videos and messages privately or publicly. The platform can be integrated in the curriculum stimulating the idea of community and through group learning possibilities.


What are the possibilities for educational purpose?

- use a Facebook page to broadcast updates and alerts – teacher can post class updates, share homework assignments and encourage discussions

- create a group (public or private) to stream live lectures and host discussions – for each class it is possible to include live lectures, post discussion questions, homework assignments and class announcements. It is also possible to record videos that students can watch after school and store documents. Another tool that can be created are the pools.


Benefits of Facebook for educational use?

Nowadays there is a huge part of students that have access to the Social Network Site and they use it to communicate with their peers. They spend a long time on these platform and all the posts done seek their attention. Usually they coordinate coursework contacting colleagues. It can also be a homework support.

When using social media websites, educators can create meaningful dialogue, foster collaboration, exchange ideas and boost student interaction.

Students would be probably more engaged, are certainly going to increase empathy with the teacher and are going to be better prepared for the future, gaining digital citizenship skills. At the same time it facilitates global connections with other teachers and students.


Disadvantages of Facebook for educational use?

-        it might be that some students do not have / do not want to have Facebook account;

-        it can distract students from the study;

-        inappropriate behaviours when writing or when interacting (abuse or bully with peers or teachers);

-        it can never replace one-to-one interaction, for personal relationship and social life.


Application for educational use

When planning the use of this tool, teachers need to:

- find out if all students use or can use Facebook;

- ensure, when setting up a Facebook group, that students do not need to send friend requests. The best practice is e-mailing parents and students the direct link for access;

- prevent uncontrolled situations. It is also important to make students aware of the good conducts/practices in advance: online professionalism and digital footprint.


Useful links


List of resources


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