Can we use Youtube for educational purposes?

Youtube is a Sharing video Site where users can: search, watch videos and upload content. The content of the videos can refer to: entertainment, information, product promotion, training, amongst other.

A video on a website increases engagement and time spent, reaches larger audience and show case products and services.


What are the possibilities for educational purpose?

- trigger interesting discussions – after watching videos, documentaries, current affairs,…

- access education material for free for a better comprehension of the subjects

- use short clips to introduce topics

- archive use to allow students to watch again at a later moment

- create a Youtube channel


Benefits of Youtube for educational use?

When using Youtube, students have the facility of assessment without login (account creation) as long as they have internet connection. At the same time the platform offers multiple learning options for the same task, such fact can motivate students learning providing alternatives and promoting deeper engagement on the subject. Lastly, videos can be watched several times at school or at home.

Teachers have the possibility to create and upload videos that are based on their curriculum.


Disadvantages of Youtube  for educational use?

-        There are several videos uploaded that come from questionable sources;

-        Some content can be unsuitable for children;

-        Videos often have many ads


Application for educational use

When planning the use of this tool, teachers need to:

- be sure about the selected content;

- prevent uncontrolled situations. It is also important to make students aware of the good conducts/practices in advance: online professionalism and digital footprint.


Useful links


List of resources


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