
Showing posts from November, 2020

Can we use Webinars for educational purposes?

  A Webinar is a web-based seminar conducted live over the web. It is scheduled in advance to encourage participants to attend and usually it takes 1 or 2 hours. It can be free or fee based. The speaker should provide substantive knowledge, introduce himself, announce the plan and encourage the audience to stay at the online meeting. It enables the utilization of audio and video. It is interactive and give the possibility to share the screen, documents and offer visuals during the presentation. Webinars allow for live Q&A sessions, which can be beneficial for building connection.   What are the possibilities for educational purpose? A Webinar can be used for an educational purpose, for that it is important to: - pick the right webinar tool, it depends on the budget, goals and hosting software (technical constraints); - identify the goals and what the audience care about; - create a differentiated Webinar using several tools: interactive whiteboards, sur...

Can we use Youtube for educational purposes?

Youtube is a Sharing video Site where users can: search, watch videos and upload content. The content of the videos can refer to: entertainment, information, product promotion, training, amongst other. A video on a website increases engagement and time spent, reaches larger audience and show case products and services.   What are the possibilities for educational purpose? - trigger interesting discussions – after watching videos, documentaries, current affairs,… - access education material for free for a better comprehension of the subjects - use short clips to introduce topics - archive use to allow students to watch again at a later moment - create a Youtube channel   Benefits of Youtube for educational use? When using Youtube, students have the facility of assessment without login (account creation) as long as they have internet connection. At the same time the platform offers multiple learning options for the same task, such fact can motivate studen...

Can we use a Blog for educational purposes?

A blog is a journal of ideas or a diary published online, where the owner can write “posts” that can also contain images and hyperlinks. The blogger has total freedom and flexibility to express his opinion, decide when he want to post an entry (comments, event descriptions, graphics, videos,…) and can control users’ comments and subscriptions. It is an important source of news/ knowledge and it is a great option for sharing thoughts and content in a creative way. The posts or articles are shown from newest to oldest.   What are the possibilities for educational purpose? - create a class or individual blog - there are many different platforms available, such as WordPress, SquareSpace, Wix, Blogger, Tumblr or Medium. Students can create their own user accounts to trigger discussion posts or add comments; - share course syllabus, assignments, updates and resources.   Benefits of Blogs for educational use? When using Blogs websites, educators promote autonomous lea...

Can we use Twitter for educational purposes?

Twitter is a micro-blogging also known as nano-blogging and enable users to send and publish short messages (maximum 140 characters) to reach the influx of audiences in a quicker way. It is an important source of news and usually only contains text. It is a multidirectional communication channel and the content should be: interesting, fun, valuable, timely, relevant and appealing.   What are the possibilities for educational purpose? - a discussion board or message board for a class; - post reminders for assignment due dates or share inspirational quotes and helpful links to practice quizzes or other resources; - discussions and Twitter chats surrounding a specific hashtag that they create.   Benefits of Twitter for educational use? The majority of the reviewed studies of Twitter showed up that students improved not only learning, motivation, engagement and communication but also teaching benefitted as well, all of which leads towards creating a more resource...

Can we use Facebook for educational purposes?

Facebook is a Social network Site where users can communicate. Can be used to share ideas, interests and post information, comments, photos, videos and messages privately or publicly. The platform can be integrated in the curriculum stimulating the idea of community and through group learning possibilities.   What are the possibilities for educational purpose? - use a Facebook page to broadcast updates and alerts – teacher can post class updates, share homework assignments and encourage discussions - create a group (public or private) to stream live lectures and host discussions – for each class it is possible to include live lectures, post discussion questions, homework assignments and class announcements. It is also possible to record videos that students can watch after school and store documents. Another tool that can be created are the pools.   Benefits of Facebook for educational use? Nowadays there is a huge part of students that have access to the Socia...